Running your own escape room is easy. Trust us. We do it a lot. And we’re pretty good at it. So take some tips from the experts and ensure your escape room is a roaring success.

practice makes perfect.
Have a go at running through the cyber escape room yourself in advance of the session you’re doing with your team. That way you know if any questions come up, you’ll have the expertise ready to help answer them.
Make sure you’ve got an idea about the intended learning outcomes for the scenario you’re running, so you can keep those in mind when talking to participants!
We provide a workbook with our escape rooms that includes a set up guide, suggested hints for each puzzle, full solution, and workshop ideas to make sure your event runs as smoothly as possible. So take a read through this too and get familiar with the kit. Everything should be self-explanatory.
And, of course, if you still need help, just give us a call and we’ll walk you through it! We’re good like that.

time is of the essence.
Keep your eye on the time available. We want to make sure our teams complete the scenario. Each step should take roughly the same amount of time, so if they’re still stuck on the first puzzle after 12-15 minutes then it’s time to hand out some hints!
It’s important that we encourage everyone to complete the cyber escape room so they can feel both an intrinsic sense of accomplishment, and get the benefits of the intended learning outcomes
There’s a countdown timer you can access here to make sure you keep an eye on the clock! Make sure to like and subscribe, as we’ll be adding more video content too!

it’s supposed to be a challenge.
Remember, your cyber escape room is supposed to be a bit tricky. It’s not a walk in the park. We want people to use their brains. That’s where the magic happens!
If people are asking for clues in the first five minutes, well… they need to try a little harder. The benefit of being the challenge master is you get to watch the players struggle. That’s where YOUR fun comes in!
Our escape rooms are aimed at non-technical end users, with the goal of providing memorable learning outcomes about various areas of cyber security. As long as you have a team working together, everything is perfectly solvable. Trust us, we’ve even tried it on our mums.

mix it up.
Cyber escape rooms don’t just provide a super awesome way for you to learn about cyber security… oh no, no, no! They’re also a fantastic team building exercise!
That being said, we recommend mixing up the teams so you don’t have best friends sat next to each other. We want to use the opportunity here to get people talking and working with other people, breaking down some barriers, making some new friendships.
So try and encourage people to team up with other players outside of their usual friendship circle.

bring in the a-team.
If it’s all still sounding a bit tricky, or you’re just not 100% sure that you want the responsibility of shepherding your staff through the event, then why not bring in the A-Team?!
We love a good jolly (as long as it’s on the UK mainland) and we can bring a whole host of extra bits and bobs to create a truly immersive experience for your team. If you fancy running a full event, where we can currently run up to TEN escape rooms at once, with all of our experience jollying people along and getting them to the end point, whilst relishing in them finding the puzzles tricky… HIRE US!
Our on site events start at £4,000 ex VAT. Get in touch today at and give your customers / staff / colleagues an event to remember!
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