More Than Buzzwords: Why Experiential Learning Just Works.

Ever tried to defuse a bomb by reading a manual? Didn’t think so. So why are we still trying to teach cybersecurity with endless PowerPoints and boring lectures? (Spoiler alert: it’s not working). The cyber world is fast-paced, dynamic, and, let’s be honest, pretty chaotic. So, the way we train our teams needs to keep up. That’s where experiential learning comes in.

Forget buzzwords—this is about real results.

You could sit through a lecture on cyber threats and maybe remember 5% of it. Or you could live through a simulated cyber attack, and suddenly 75% of that knowledge sticks. It’s the difference between watching someone else cook and actually chopping those onions yourself (and maybe setting off the smoke alarm). It’s messy, it’s real, and most importantly—it works.

Here’s why:

Hands-on Engagement: You don’t just hear about phishing scams, you fall for them, learn from it, and don’t do it again. That’s the power of getting your hands dirty.

Critical Thinking On-the-Fly: Cyber threats aren’t following a script, so neither should your training. Experiential learning forces you to think on your feet, adapt to the chaos, and make decisions under pressure—exactly what your team needs in the real world.

• Learners retain 75% of what they practice hands-on, versus just 5% from lectures.

• A University of Michigan study found a 94% increase in engagement for students who took part in experiential learning activities. And if we know one thing, it’s that engaged learners = effective learners.

So, stop relying on outdated methods to teach cybersecurity. Your team doesn’t need another PowerPoint—they need to experience the threat, react to it, and learn in real-time.

Start experiencing learning that actually sticks! Let’s chat about how our cyber escape rooms and interactive theatre productions can turn your team into cyber champions. Because when it comes to real-world threats, there’s no room for “almost ready.”



Amy is the CEO and main driver behind esc. With over a decade of experience in the IT sector, Amy's built a reputation as a force of nature, disrupting the industry with her no nonsense approach.