TL;DR – Playing the role of an attacker, have a go at voice phishing our AI agents and see what information you can get out of them.
We’ve all been sent a phishing email from work. In an attempt to teach us about phishing, we’re exposed to fake emails sent to us by our own teams so that they can see if we’re any good at spotting them. Our responses to these emails usually determine the types of training we’re offered through the year.
What we don’t often get is training that focuses on vishing, or voice phishing, attacks and how they work. With voice phishing proving increasingly popular amongst threat actors, including in the recent MGM attack, it’s imperative that end users can understand, and defend against, these types of threats.
We’re working with the top team at Bilic to develop state of the art training that helps users understand what a vishing attack looks like, what techniques a threat actor might use, and the ways in which they will abuse our general politeness to further their attacks.
Using synthetic agents, developed using AI technology and specifically primed with data that you can attempt to recover, you’ll play the role of an attacker and use malicious techniques to perform reconnaissance activities.
With an easy to use interface, you can chat with the agent and see how she responds to your advances!

We’re still in the beta phase but you can take by clicking the button below.
Let us know your feedback by emailing it over to:
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