In volume 2 of the Fool Around & Find Out newsletter, we’re bringing you four puzzles to get your brain juices flowing.
We’ve found a combination padlock that opens up a whole host of treasures. Well, five replica Lord of the Rings rings actually, but we’ve gotta break through the padlock to be in with a chance of getting the preciouses out of prison.

Send in your answer for the four digit code to and you’ll be in with a chance of winning your very own ring. To keep. Forever. Just don’t do anything naughty with it. You know, like take over Middle Earth.
Ready? Let’s go!
digit 01.
Uncover the word found here: 20, 8, 5, 1, 12, 16, 8, 1, 2, 5, 20.
Now tell us how many letters are in it. If the answer is two-digits, add up the digits until you get to a one-digit number.
digit 02.
What has four fingers and a thumb but isn’t alive?
The answer is the 1st letter’s position in the alphabet.
digit 03.
7 brothers were each born 2 years apart. The youngest brother is 7. How old is the oldest brother?
If the answer is two-digits, add up the digits until you get to a one-digit number.
digit 04.
Solve the missing numbers from this equation. Once you’ve got them, add them up. If the answer is two-digits, add up the digits until you get to a one-digit number.

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