Ah, January. The season of “new year, new me,” gym memberships we’ll definitely use, and ambitious plans to drink less coffee (no chance). But while most people are busy reinventing themselves, we’ve gone and done something genuinely fresh — we’ve made it official: our logo is now a registered trademark! 💪✨

That’s right. No more imposters trying to pinch our distinctive look. No more worries about someone slapping our logo on dodgy phishing scams (or worse, terrible PowerPoint slides). We’ve planted our flag in the ground and told the world: “This mark? It’s ours.”
Some of you might be thinking, “Why bother? You’re already the coolest cyber security business offering escape rooms, interactive theatre, and breach workshops.” (Aw, stop it! You’re too kind.)
But in the world of business — especially in cyber security — your brand is everything. It’s how people recognise you, trust you, and remember you when they need to level up their security awareness.
By registering our logo, we’re protecting our identity. Think of it as two-factor authentication for our brand. Sure, you can spot our style a mile off, but now it’s locked down tighter than your passwords (assuming you’re not still using “123456” — if you are, we need to talk).
It means you can trust that anything stamped with our logo is the real deal. Whether you’re booking a cyber escape room or getting lost in one of our interactive workshops, you know it’s backed by a team that cares about quality, creativity, and — most importantly — keeping you safe from cyber threats.
It also means that if you ever see our logo being used somewhere it shouldn’t be, you’ll know it’s not legit. (And you can let us know — we love a good brand protection mission.)
We’re kicking off 2025 with more than just a shiny new legal status for our logo. There’s a lot more coming your way:
✅ New scenarios to challenge your team’s cyber skills
✅ More events that blend learning with fun (because security doesn’t have to be boring)
✅ And, of course, some cheeky surprises — because we love keeping things fresh
So, while everyone else is sweating their resolutions and pretending to like kale smoothies, we’ve ticked off one of our big goals already.
Here’s to a year of owning our space, keeping our clients on their toes, and reminding the world that cyber security can be fun, memorable, and a little bit cheeky.
And hey — if anyone fancies using our logo without permission?
Nice try. It’s taken. 😉
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