what's the deal?
Our Cyber Breach Workshop is a hands-on simulation designed to prepare your entire team for a worst-case scenario.
Suitable for incident response teams, including non-technical stakeholders like HR, marketing, and senior executives, it’s an action-packed, no-fluff way to build resilience across the business.
Real-Life Scenarios
Your team will face a simulated cyber crisis based on realistic, industry-specific threats.
CPD Certified Training
Our workshop is CPD Certified, meaning it’s been externally reviewed to meet professional standards – no vendor bias, just solid, practical training.
Everyone has a Role
From technical leads to HR, PR, and the C-suite, we ensure everyone knows their part in managing a breach.
choose your crisis.
A water supplier faces a breach that threatens public safety. Can your team regain control before the crisis escalates?
A council is hit with ransomware. Your team must decide: pay, recover, or fight back – while managing the fallout.
Suspicious activity is detected in your organisation’s accounts. How quickly can your team identify and fix the breach?
Watch the demo.
Whether you're looking for a virtual or in-person event, we have the team and the tech on hand to support you in developing your comprehensive incident response plan.
ready to put your team to the test?
Fun? Check. Cyber skills? Double check. Book your game today.